Experience and innovation for education
We promote talents and life skills
At The Creating Center children learn more in less time and fill their days with meaningful activities. One can say, we are breaking all the rules of traditional education; Our Center has unconventional learning spaces, unrestricted schedules, and novel methodology. We believe that learners should have access to motivating and creative environments throughout the day, so spaces in The Creating Center cater to all different learning styles. Our structure is flexible according to learners’ and parents’ needs.
A trained facilitator will accompany each learner like a coach to support the accomplishment of their goals. The facilitator will teach the learner independence and work habits so that little by little the learner can work mostly on his/her own.
Through our online learning school partner, middle school and high school learners also have access to online tutors on specific subjects. High school learners have access to a completely accredited curriculum that also offers AP (Advanced Placement) and honors classes. Our high school graduates will be totally prepared to continue education in Colleges and Universities in the United States, Canada, Europe, or wherever they choose to do so.